International Tequila Academy


Level 3-SOMMELIER DE TEQUILA. The Tequila Sommelier is an advanced-high level qualification where candidates demonstrate their ability to analyze and evaluate the different tequilas. This course focuses on understanding the difference between tequila brands, labels. As there are way over a 2700 tequila brands on the market, understanding them is no easy task. It is the task of the tequila sommeliers to understand the differences between producers, the regions, marketing strategies, product values so they can give expert recommendations to their clients or make better decisions themselves when purchasing tequila. Sommeliers learn to navigate between commercial brands, private labels, special editions, single barrels, diffused tequilas and understand what average consumers and connoisseurs look for when choosing tequila.

Sample Level 3 Syllabus Subject to Change by ITA

  • Tequila AS a business - sales and chemistry. Targeting specific consumers with a certain taste profile and product quality.
  • Tequila Evaluation - how to determine the professional value of a tequila based on spirit industry examples.
  • Inhouse vs private label tequila - the difference between contract labels and labels owned by the distillery.
  • Private label vs special edition - how to create a tequila brand or a special edition tequila
  • Single barrel tequilas - as a unique special edition tequila, what it means and what is its real value.
  • Craft Tequilas - how to identify them and why is it important?
  • Special signs logos - what do the different logos like USDA and certified kosher mean.
  • Brand Knowledge - essential brands every sommelier needs to know of.

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